Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ghazal (My Body Dances)

Although I stumble and my mind learns slow, my body dances
And even while I dream I tap a toe. My body dances

The room is sweat and windows, wood and flesh that listens hard
Each step, each hand, a prayer. And to and fro my body dances

The moves are old. They're made of want, of need and pounding beats 
The bodies new, they break and seek and flow. My body dances

The continents have sent their voices deep into the earth
To tell us what we wildly want to know. My body dances

The squares are full, the rooms are full, the noise will never stop
And yet the quiet thrill will not let go. My body dances

The day comes with its hurt, its speed, its must and do and make
My worry drags me slow, but oh, hello! My body dances

The rebel limbs do what they must. The fools are at the door.

When death goes high, the beat goes deep and low. My body dances

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