Sunday, April 9, 2017

Look at me, old as I am and still frightened

Look at me, old as I am and still frightened
Speaking my gentlewords loud and my sharpsongs awhisper

Look at me, lost as I am and still holding tight
Fists all bangnonsense, knuckles agrip on nothing but don't let go

Look at me, look at me, wild as I am and still tamekitten
Purring the traitorous words so I will not betray!

Look at me, brainweary, footskippy, snarling
Which way to trip? Which way, which way, which way to break through?

Look at me, smart as I am and still asking
How did it fall so dark, oh where did it go?

Look at me, safe as I am and still drownworthy
Desperate for calm when it storms and for storms when it calms

Look at me, fat as I am and still dancecrazy
Old as I lost as I wild as I smart as I couldn't, I couldn't, I can't

Look at me speaking where silence should be
Look at me wondering where certain should be
Look at me lining where circling should be

Look at me purring where barking should be

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